Puroresu Watch Later / Rewatch
What is this place?
Since Wrestle Universe added more promotions, I have
started watching Sendai Girls Pro Wrestling, Marigold Pro Wrestling, a bit of
REAL ZERO1 (took me a while to realize they are only stable-specific shows)
and a bit of DDT too. So many promotions that keeping track of what I want
to watch next and what I have already watched has become a task of its own.
I've been keeping a double list to keep everything organized, so why not share it
here? You should expect to see all these promotions + NOAH and TJPW in the following
lists. (maybe some bonus stuff too?)
I should probably also check out Michinoku Pro at some point, but
I'm afraid it will just be junior action and I don't like high flyers.
This page consists of two parts! First is the "Watch Later" list, where shows I
want to watch next are located. This should change often (will depend on how
lazy I am). I provide some context for each one and why I want to watch them.
Second section is the "Rewatch" list, where shows I think are worth revisiting
are found. They also have a description of what they contain and what I liked
about them.
Watch Later
- GLEAT LIDET UWF Ver. 4 17/4/2024
- Modern shoot-style to get my shoot-style fix!
Yu Iizuka is in this! Iizuka vs. Masakatsu Funaki, Takanori Ito vs.
Hikaru Sato. "Shrek" makes an apperance in a tag match! ~2h 45m
- At Farm Care Co., Ltd. Presents Osaka Castle Festival
- Osaka Pro??? That's that?? Multiple title matches in this, gorgeous
ring filled with labels names and logos. ~3h
- NOAH Wada International Foundation Presents [MATCH 2]

- Big tour show, Akira Maeda in attendance. Shuji kondo vs. Junta Miyawaki
semi-main and Kiyomiya vs. YOICHI in a 6-man tag.
- ZERO1 Masato Tanaka 30th Anniversary! 11/7/2024

- Big card for Tanaka's 30 years! Tanaka vs. Sugiura, Jun Matsunaga
and Tsugutaka Sato tag team, lots of guests.
- TJPW Up! Up! TJPW (2) ~Tanabata Festival with Niki-chan~ 7/7/2024

- This looks like more silly TJPW shenanigans...
- Sendai Girls Pro Wrestling Sendai PIT

- Back to home, back to basics. DASH vs. Oka, Iwata singles (no break for her!)
Manami & Mizunami tag, Team 200kg main event.
- Nao Kakuta Graduation Commemorative Performance 25/7/2024
- Nao's sendoff! Nao Kakuta vs. Mizuki main event!
- !!! Notable match
- ??? I should have payed more attention
- ?!?/!?! Notable match and I should have payed more attention
- !!! NOAH Limit Break Vol.1 15/2/2024 !!!

- Big meaty veterans slapping big meat and kicking the shit out of each other.
Fiery Kotoge takes defiant KENTA role in the main and kicks ass. Only 2 hours
25 minutes.
- Sendai Girls Pro-Wrestling 2024 in Shinkiba 1st RING -
"I'll never forget that" 17/3/2024

- First Sendai Girls event on Wrestle Universe! Very stiff in ring work!
Reminiscent of the stiffest of old school AJW matches. Great logo! Less
than 2 hours, 4 out of 5 matches are very good.
- TJPW Grand Princess '24 31/3/2024
- Itoh vs. Suzuki was at times fun and at times traumatizing.
Arai vs. Kamifuku was ok. Tag title semi-main
Daisy Monkey vs. YukiNiki
was very dramatic. Main event was cool and fun. This show ushers in the
next gen of TJPW stars.
- NOAH Star Navigation 2024 31/3/2024

- Most of this card is meh, EHDDW Jr. vs. Jake Lee main event is pretty good!
Lots of drama and storytelling.
- ?!? NOAH Star Navigation 11/4/2024 ?!?

- HAYATA vs. Morris is much better than I expected. TOKYO SCRAMBLE
8-man vets vs. current gen special is amazing. Special shoutout to
Shiozaki's lariat on Oiwa, it's a thing of beauty, really. Main event
is full of fury and anger and intensity between Kenoh and Kiyomiya,
although I would like to rewatch this. Kiyomiya trying to prove he
is no longer an up-and-comer and a naive youngster but established
and worthy of respect from Kenoh + trying to undo all the humiliation
from Kenoh in the buildup. Rest of the matches are ok but nothing
too special. A bit less than 3 hours.
The 8-man from this event is where I snatched this beautiful gif from!
- ZERO1 Yasukuni Shrine 31/3/2024

- First three matches are simple to follow and quite enjoyable, especially the
Junya Matsunaga and Takumi Baba ones. NOAH vs. ZERO1 tag is also fast and fun.
Saito vs. Vice main event is ok, although the crowd was super into it, maybe
I didn't get it? Re-visit for some solid REAL ZERO1 action.
- King Of DDT 20th anniversary 1st Round 5/6/2024

- Higuchi match is a big hoss-fest with drama. It's ok.
- TJPW YES! Wonderland '24 6/5/2024

- Tag title match was good, but Uehara & Himawari still got a long way to go.
PuriPuri main has some great technical wrestling at the beginning, quite good
storytelling match, but Watanabe still needs to work harder, she barely won.
Toga is great in the opener. HIMAWARI looking very sexy
in the Tag title pre-match promos and a good main event.
- Sendai Girls Pro Wrestling Shinkiba 1stRING Tournament 10/5/2024

- Only last three matches are worth it. Tag team main event is very good, very
much worth a rewatch.
- !!! King Of DDT 20th anniversary 2nd Round 5/6/2024 !!!

- Small show, skipped everything and went straight to Higuchi vs. Ishikawa.
Amazing match, 10/10 MUST REWATCH for some great hard-hitting action.
Big meaty men slapping meat at its best! Main event is good, MAO is awesome,
I don't yet care about To-y.
- !!! NOAH Sunny Voyage 18/5/2024 !!!

- Go Shiozaki vs. Ryohei Oiwa main event: Very good battle of attrition between two big
heavyweights, awesome match. Oiwa shows the progress he made during his
months in NOAH. Very worth rewatching.
- !!! Marigold Fields Forever 20/5/2024 !!!

- Good two openers, amazing main event, the rest are skippable! Check it out.
~3 hours
- Nanae vs. Victoria Yuzuki is a super heated opener, good match with lots of
- Miku Aono vs. Nao Ishikawa is the best of the three first matches,
very impactful. Not many power moves, but there are cool moves here.
- !!! Utami Hayashishita & Giulia vs. Sareee & Bozilla !!! : Amazing main
event, it's insane how high impact this was. Rewatch ASAP!!! Giulia takes
insane punishment from Sareee, big bruiser Bozilla is a modern age female
Stan Hansen.
- NOAH Star Navigation 21/5/2024

- Glorified tour show. Everything was boring apart from the main event
which was ok. Oiwa being cool and rejecting everyone was the best part of
this show.
- !!! NOAH Star Navigation Night 2 22/5/2024 !!!

- Sasaki vs. Sato: Cool technical match, with a hint of shoot-style. It was
enjoyable but I won't be missing it anytime soon.
- !!! Masa Kitamiya vs. Tomohiro Ishii !!!: Very hard-hitting action, super
stiff, big meaty men slapping meat action just how I liked it. It's not perfect
but it's pretty good.
- Jake Lee & Tadasuke vs. Tetsuya Naito & Shingo Takagi: Some good stiff
lariats and hard action between Tadasuke and Takagi towards the end but
not the best. It's an ok match though.
- !!! Kenoh vs. Minoru Suzuki !!! : Sadist Suzuki is really scary in his role,
raw visceral bloody action, Kenoh perserveres through fighting spirit (not
defiance?) and there's a lot of strikes exchanged. Suzuki's forearm strikes
are sick. Didn't climax as I had hoped but it's still pretty good. 3 PFSs
on Suzuki! Kenoh makes a promise in-ring to leave the Suzuki-gun days behind.
Much better than the first day, more hunger in matches, more excited crowd.
Worth watching. Rewatching? We'll see.
- !!! SENDAI Girls Pro Wrestling Azalea Taisho Hall 18/5/24 !!!

- Mio Momono & Yurika Oka vs. Chihiro Hashimoto & Yuu is a great main event,
best SENDAI Girls match I've seen so far. Hard-hitters Hashimoto and Yuu
vs. scrappy and energetic Oka and Momono.
- King Of DDT ~20th Anniversary~ 26/5/2024

- Kazusada vs. MAO was awesome. Brookes vs. Sasaki was whatevs. MAO vs. Sasaki
final I don't even remember. I don't really care for Sasaki, but MAO and Higuchi
are awesome.
- NOAH Limit Break .2 29/5/2024

- Owada vs. Sekimoto was cool. Kotoge vs. Akiyama had a good finishing stretch.
Main event time limit draw was very hard-hitting between Saito and Shiozaki.
Worth for the main event, otherwise closer to any other tour show rather than the first
- !!! Yoji Anjo vs. Masakatsu Funaki (UWF Newborn 6-14-89)
- Great shoot-style match that has a lot of heat and mixes up strikes and
technical wrestling. Very impressive, very worthy of a rewatch. ~23m
Marigold Grand Opening Wars 2024 26/5/2024

- Noon was slightly above average tour show. Bojira appearance was awesome in a
triangle match with Hayashishita and Victoria Yuzuki. I watched most of the night
show from the DIGEST in their youtube channel.
I watched semi-main and main event in full and they were both pretty cool and heated.
Bojira was awesome as always in the semi main tag and all Hayashishita Yuzuki and Kouki
were good in the main.
Hayashishita ends the show with a sick deadlift german on Yuzuki!
- SENDAI Girls Pro-Wrestling in Shinjuku FACE 9/6/2024

- Watching a Wrestle Universe event live in full for the first time,
missed the first match. Comedy 2nd match was pretty funny. 3 v 3 was
good and heated (Chisako vs. Iwata coming up?). Team 200kg semi-main
was absolutely amazing, Hashimoto especially pulled off some extremely
impressive moves. Worth a rewatch? Main event tag title bout was heated
and not as hard-hitting but was full of drama. Did Oka manage to win her
first title...? (the Senjo Junior championship doesn't count)
Unique transitions to a powerful gutwrench suplex! Hashimoto is awesome!
- TJPW PRISM '24 9/6/2024

- Kazashiro has come far in her 1 year of wrestling, Okubo's development
was hampered due to her months-long abscence due to exams. They didn't
pose a challenge to the tag champs but they were able to throw them
off their game and have a competitive match at least. Kamiyu &
Aja Kong 6-man tag was entertaining. Arai match was ok. PuriPuri
title main was dirty and ugly but in a good way. Some tasty stiff
strikes towards the end. Watanabe Miu is having a real cruel bloom as
- NOAH Star Navigation 2024 9/6/2024

- Kiyomiya & Kenoh vs. Jake Lee & Gabe Kidd main event! Kondo
& Eita challenge for the junior tag titles! Owada, Oiwa, Morris vs.
Marufuji! ~2h 30m
- Kitamiya & Oiwa 6-man was a gorgeous match. Hard hits but mostly
bone-crunching suplexes galore. Everyone was awesome (Titus was only ok).
Rewatch? Not as grand but very satisfying.
- Morris vs. Marufuji was
pretty cool, it got quite heated by the end but they've got more to
give. Morris' star is starting to shine, he's becoming better and
better every show...
- Junior tag title bout was mostly meh but built up to and awesome
- Didn't care for the hardcore nature of this match. I liked
Gabe Kidd's fire in his opening promo, but then he started wrestling
like a hooligan... I'd like to see him in a few years after he's
matured and learned sportsmanship. He looks awesome, though.
Didn't care for the double count out finish either.
- NOAH GRAND SHIP 2024 in YOKOHAMA 16/6/2024

- Kitamiya Inaba vs. Alexander Taniguchi was pretty fun and hard-
hitting. Titus Alexander bust out some pretty impressive moves!
- Junior 6-man was cool, Eita is always awesome and AMAKUSA was
spinning and twisting and turning all the time which was fun
(first time seeing him).
- People didn't care too much about the Oiwa HAYATA v Sasaki Ogawa
match either, but I cared! Sasaki and Oiwa are awesome! Sasaki is
becoming quite deadly... All those tag matches with Sugiura payed off...
- Daga v Starboy pretty cool junior match! Charlie is so dreamy....
Easy defence for Daga.
- "If you want something done right, you gotta do it yourself." Tag
title match was solid with a great finish.
- Gabe Kidd got all the crowd brawling out the way in the beginning
and a hard-hitting main event was left. Fav part was when he suplexed
G-man! It was a pretty good main event, but not particularly special.
But that challenge??? OHHHH!!!!
- This was overall good but not especially breathtaking. Nice
undercard! Kitamiya Inaba vs. Alexaner Taniguchi and Oiwa/Sasaki tag
matches were great! Main event is worth it but not special. Cool show.
Pretty exciting to see all the new blood clawing away at the established
- The Leave Presents LIMIT BREAK.3 19/6/2024

- Yone vs. Ishikawa was a very good short big hoss fest. This match
is what puroresu is for me! Could have been a bit longer...
Higuchi and Fujita started slow, so I thought it would go long,
but an explosion of violence at the end resulted in an early finish.
It could have been more violent! Saito v Vice was short and sweet.
Shiozaki Akiyama vs. Marufuji Sugiura main event was very enjoyable
and hard-hitting! Shiozaki and Marufuji beat the crap out of each other!
Very old school in a very heartwarming way. This is a worthy successor
to LIMIT BREAK 1! I want more! I think this is what I want to watch out
of NOAH, despite the match qulity not being as good as the main NOAH
product. This feels more sporting-like.
- NOAH Wrestle Magic 4/5/2024

- I didn't get to watch it when it was first streamed. Sasaki & Sakuraba vs.
Sato & Taniguchi shoot-style match! Marigold 6-woman! Oiwa tags with Inaba!
EHDDWJr vs. Kiyomiya GHC Heavy main! Probs ~5h
- Kenoh vs. YAMATO was pretty cool. YAMATO is a really
charismatic personality.
Martial arts tag was ok, very cool outfit on Sasaki's debut.
Marigold 6-woman tag is not excellent, but it is very
enjoyable. Junior and junior tag matches I didn't care for.
I slept through most of the main event but from what I
caught it seemed very enjoyable.
Surgical roundhouse from Kenoh!
- TJPW Aquarium Pro-Wrestling In Yokohama 10/12/2023

- Yeah, this was whatevs.
- Sendai Girls Pro-Wrestling EDION Arena Osaka 13/7/2024

I didn't expect Manami vs. Yurika Oka would be so heated, it was pretty cool.
I didn't really care for Lena Kross in the semi-main. The main was pretty fun.
Consistently very solid puro from Senjo, they are quickly becoming my
favourites with their no-frills product.
- !!! Sendai Girls Korakuen Hall Event 15/7/2024 !!!

- The opening matches are entertaining but nothing special.
!!! Haven't had that much fun with a hardcore match in a while. !!! Tag title
match was pretty fun, classic Senjo action. Glad for the upset! Main event
was heated, dramatic, high impact and very good, a bit sad for the end of
this Mika Iwata era... I really liked her as champion. Excited for
the Chisako challenge! She had the best match on this card!
- TJPW Nao Kakuta produced the show CROSS 6/7/2024

- Funny battle royal where TJPW wrestlers dressed as different
Naos. Proof that Nao has good fashion sense, black and purple
looked great on everyone! Main event was awesome, very fast pace and at times
even hard-hitting. Some nice technical wrestling as well...
Rewatch maybe...?
- !!! TJPW Summer Sun Princess '24 20/7/2024 !!!

- 6-woman opener was awesome, there's something special about last
year's rookie class... Mei vs. Takami and 2nd 6-woman were fun. Kamiyu
vs. Sekiguchi was good, Nao Kakuta shenanigans included after all! Kamiyu
is turing into a deadly killing machine. !!! 121000000 vs. Mizuki &
Sakura is amazing! !!! Kong vs. Nakajima is an explosion of violence.
!!! Tag title match is also amazing! Daisy Monkey's fast teamwork vs.
Arai heavy-duty firepower and Miyamoto's hunger for her first title! !!!
Main event is very good but I was tired by then.
Killer combination! Poor Mizuki!
- MARIGOLD Summer Destiny 2024 13/7/2024

- Opening match was fiery. Showzuki vs. Matsui was awesome. MIRAI vs.
Aono and subsequent Bozilla match was also awesome. Semi-main was awesome.
Main was very good.