Using other totally legal methods to have Spotify the summer of '23 freed up some monthly cash I could spare. Since I was enjoying King's Road puroresu but didn't bother watching any modern promotion up until that point, I thought about renewing my subscription to NJPW World. I used to have a sub there like 6 years ago for a couple of months but little me wasn't impressed by NJPW puroresu and I quickly unsubscribed. After looking around online, people said that Wrestle Universe is more bang for your buck. I was feeling adventurous, so I bought myself a subscription, despite not knowing anything about these companies other than a few NOAH matches I'd watched from the mid-2000s with KENTA, Sugiura and Nagata. That's how I started watching modern NOAH. (TJPW too, but that deserves its own page.)
Akiyama sick knee on Kobashi! Haven't watched this match, just wanted a gif to break up all the text, stole this from enbywrestlingfan on tumblr (no permission)
I was lucky to catch the beginning of the N-1 Victory Tournament, so I didn't need to have knowledge of pre-existing storylines, the tournament was something I could latch on to immediately. What I had problems with was adjusting to the tour schedule. I only realized after a while that most dates on a tour are basically house shows with some storyline buildup. All the major matches and story beats still happen on the bigger shows, that's where the wrestlers only ever go all-out too. A few hints:
The opening exchange of one of my favourite matches ever...
Obvs I got hooked, otherwise I wouldn't be making this page. Soon I wanted a place to read up on what happened on the shows I watched, "a second opinion". The fact that I hate the English commentary on both NOAH and TJPW (it's annoying, distracting, not helpful in translating and puroresu with english commentary does not sit well with me), did not help with my limited capability to comprehend what was happening. After looking around, here are some useful English sites that provide me with all the information I want:
Strike battles are my favourite spot in puroresu... And this match has one of the wildest and stiffest strike battle I've ever seen...
Oh, by the way, all the gifs in this page were made by me (unless specified) by hacking together a little script in linux using screencast and ffmpeg. I will show it off here someday.